Flavio Tosi and the Leg-Fi merger proposed by Maroni: “Interesting if Salvini changes line on Europe. Ready to collaborate with Zaia “

Flavio Tosi and the Leg-Fi merger proposed by Maroni: “Interesting if Salvini changes line on Europe.  Ready to collaborate with Zaia "


MILAN. «A union between Lega and Forza Italia made? Roberto Maroni’s idea is something that fits us from the point of view of the electorates; those of Lega and Forza Italia are contiguous, they would understand. The real problem is a political one ”. Flavio Tosi, former mayor of Verona and former Northern League, for years in conflict with the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia, will enter Montecitorio on 13 October as a deputy of Forza Italia and immediately agrees to think about the proposal launched yesterday by Matteo’s predecessor Salvini at the helm of the Carroccio.

What does not convince you of the current line of the League?
«I was expelled by Matteo Salvini in 2015. When Salvini was still fiercely secessionist and for Italy’s exit from the euro. This was his line at the time. After that the line changed because it became a nationalist party. But certain relations with Russia on the one hand and with certain European countries on the other, because if you are with Orban you are against Europe, must be clarified. Forza Italia has always had a clear and linear position, while the League must clarify which side it is on. Forza Italia was voted, and also obtained certain numbers on Sunday, thanks to its reliability ».

In reality, Maroni is talking about a post-Salvini League led by a new leader. He also makes a name: that of Luca Zaia….
«It is the hypothetical period of the impossible. Salvini does not touch him from there. At this moment the party is totally in the police station and all the commissioners are an expression of the Salvini. Ditto the parliamentarians: all or almost all of the parliamentarians were chosen by the secretary. So if he doesn’t do the congresses, and I bet he won’t do the important ones, it’s impossible for anything to change. “

In Lombardy, a collection of signatures among the militants has started to ask for the celebration of the congresses and also the Northern League governors, in the last federal council, have requested and obtained two dead lines (respectively at the end of December and the end of January) for the celebration of the provincial and of the regional ones. Nothing will happen anyway?
“Congresses cannot be convened by themselves. Knowing the mechanisms of internal democracy today in the League makes me smile ».

Let’s go back to the hypothetical period of the impossible. How would you see Luca Zaia at the helm of the League?
“If he were asked jointly by everyone to be secretary, perhaps he would agree to do so, even if he has always been distant from internal party roles. But since it is difficult for a unitary secretariat proposal to come out today, with the upheavals in the League, Zaia would not get involved in such a jumble ».

Others say that the right name for that place could be that of the governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Massimiliano Fedriga. What do you think?
«Maybe he could even think about it, but the theme is that he won’t be setting up the theme of holding conferences. Therefore…”

Would he be ready in the future, following Maroni’s reasoning of the merger of the two parties, to collaborate with Zaia at the head of a more “pro-European” League?
«I am a pragmatist and I am an administrator. Luca Zaia is a pragmatist and an administrator. Among serious people we always talk and understand each other. Since I was ousted from the League we have crossed paths a few times but we have never talked about politics. Now that the Regionals are approaching, a reasoning between Lega and Forza Italia on the Veneto will still have to be done ».

Do you think “your” Veneto will be well represented in the new government?
“As far as I’m concerned, this question should be put to President Silvio Berlusconi. I had the honor of being a candidate in an eligible position, we know what this electoral law is like. I have done my job, I also think well. But now it is President Berlusconi who must decide ».


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