Fitto buys time with the EU. But the domino of delays on the Pnrr worries the MEF

Fitto buys time with the EU.  But the domino of delays on the Pnrr worries the MEF


The review of the Plan will go beyond April 30th. Meloni reassured by her minister: “The Commission cannot make us fail”. But the extensions are reflected in the June deadlines, and so the expected payments are also postponed. Creating possible cash problems for the Treasury

Who knows if it is true, as the Spanish delegation that accompanied Pedro Sánchez to Palazzo Chigi whispered yesterday, that “if something similar had happened in Spain, the government would have fallen”. The thing, that is, the postponement of the payment of the third installment of the Pnrr, does not scare Giorgia Meloni. If anything, the problem with Recovery is that it is a breathless race: once an extension is obtained, the next deadline becomes more complicated.

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