Fini: “Let the right avoid divisions on April 25th. Meloni says unambiguously that the accounts with fascism are settled with the birth of An”

Fini: "Let the right avoid divisions on April 25th.  Meloni says unambiguously that the accounts with fascism are settled with the birth of An”


Gianfranco Fini is back on TV. And in Lucia Annunziata’s program he sums up the controversies of the last few hours on April 25th. Two black and clear concepts: “Let the right avoid new fights and divisions”, I don’t understand the reluctance to the word anti-fascism” and then with regard to Giorgia Meloni speaking on ‘Mezz’ora in più’ on Raitre he affirms: “Once again a April 25 of division, controversy and in some cases fights. I believe that everyone should ask themselves why and especially the right must do so, because they govern in the first person. I hope that Giorgia Meloni wants to take this opportunity to say without ambiguity, she is not an ambiguous woman, and she is reluctant that the Italian right has fully dealt with fascism when the National Alliance was born. An condemned fascism. Giorgia Meloni has this sensitivity ». Then, however, he warns the left: «Let the right recognize the value of anti-fascism and the left stop having the exclusive paternity of the resistance: in the resistance there were also men of the right. Mattei was a partisan». Finally, a joke for the fresh nominee of Luigi Di Maio a correspondent for the EU in the Persian Gulf. «I am happy about it – says the founder of Fli – No, it is not a disgrace to the Government. Tajani said it: he was not the candidate of the Italian government. It will be interesting to see how he carries out his mandate, I hope he is up to the task of carrying out a very difficult task ».


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