FdI, the “keys” of the party to Donzelli. So will change via della Scrofa- Corriere.it

FdI, the "keys" of the party to Donzelli.  So will change via della Scrofa- Corriere.it


from Claudio Bozza

Giorgia Meloni’s loyalist to the role of coordinator. The headquarters will expand. Between July and August 2 million from private individuals

And now that Giorgia at Palazzo Chigi who will keep the keys of the first Italian party? The answer that comes from the top is taken for granted: always President Meloni. At an operational level, however, it will be very difficult for the first Italian Prime Minister to continue to manage her creature that 10 years ago made her debut with the1.96%. Now, come to the 26%, for Fratelli d’Italia the epochal change. A fact about all? The (was) small sovereign party, which for years had received small change, received only between last July and August over 2 million of private loans. The number of those elected, despite the scissoring of the reform, passed from 61 to 181. Reimbursements to parliamentary groups will therefore triple, which will rise by approximately 6 million per year. As well as multiplied by 2 per thousand: from the last tranche they have arrived 2.7 million compared to the crumbs of previous years. The physiological consequence is that the historic headquarters in via della Scrofa, formerly the home of Msi and An, is now close to the heirs of FdI.

So who will lead this maxi structure at an operational level now that Giorgia lass, Ignazio (La Russa) leads Palazzo Madama and Lollo (Lollobrigida), Meloni’s brother-in-law, minister? The compass indicates the name of Giovanni Donzelli, 46, Florentine, deputy to the second term, very loyal to the leader since they were the young boys of Action. The Donze, as his friends call him, until now he was the head of the party organization: he managed all the latest campaigns and major events, such as the full house in Piazza Duomo in Milan. For Donzelli, in the next few days, a formal investiture could arrive, similar to that of sole coordinator that Meloni had entrusted to Guido Crosetto. The neo-premier, an organizational military officer, knows well that the secret of her climb lies not only in her figure as a coherent opponent to the latest governments, but above all in the link between FdI and the territory. The party must continue to be the basis of everything, the key to government action – Donzelli himself theorizes -. In recent years we have seen irresistible political ups and downs. An example above all? 40% of Renzi with the Democratic Party, and then… The party cannot be neglected.

And to think that Meloni’s loyalist, as regional councilor, had risen to the national news by waging a battle against the Tuscan left system in defense of public money and the same companies of the Renzi family had also ended up under accusation. Twist of fate wanted that, as a boy, Donzelli had worked as a newsboy for one of the companies of the former premier’s father. A wife, two children, a degree never taken, more than a scuffle in the faculty (But it was to defend myself from those on the left), Donzelli arrived in Montecitorio in 2018: there are those who have renamed him monk of the right, because the evening always returns home for dinner: if not Rome, away from the family, sucks you in, the better.

Walled up in the party rooms, ever since the triumph was in the air he had warned his friends (incredulous): No, I don’t want to do the minister, I remain with the party. And now he is thinking, with Giorgia, about how to enlarge the headquarters in via della Scrofa, because those offices are no longer enough. FdI has in fact only about ten employees and collaborators, that is, the maximum that the party could afford before the boom. The Democratic Party, to make a comparison, has employees 150. And now there will be a strengthening of the structure. Because only for office duties at FdI they are overwhelmed by thousands of emails and phone calls every day.

October 25, 2022 (change October 25, 2022 | 08:21)


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