Farewell to Andrea Augello, mourning in the Roman right. Meloni: “Reference point for many”

Farewell to Andrea Augello, mourning in the Roman right.  Meloni: "Reference point for many"


From the Youth Front to the election in the Senate with the Brothers of Italy to the latest policies, Andrea Augello has gone through all the descents and ascents of the Roman right. He died today, aged just 62, after a long illness. “A point of reference for many, an extremely capable politician, an intelligent, determined, funny man”, the last greeting of Giorgia Meloni. «He will be missed, and very much. To his family, to his daughters, and to all those who loved him as we loved him, sincere condolences. To God, Andrew.”

The beginnings in the Youth Front

Augello – Rautian, like his brother Tony, his political “godfather” – oversaw the reorganization and relaunch of the Youth Front in the capital in the early 1980s. He historic his rivalry with Fabio Rampelli. From Monteverde Augello, from Colle Oppio Rampelli. For years the “Brave Captains” (the name of the Augello current) clashed with the “Gabbiani”, as the Rampellian current is called, which is still active today. A challenge also in terms of symbols. The fantastic creatures loved by Augello are dragons, to which in 2013 he will also dedicate a book, “I dragoni d’Italia”.

In the 1990s Augello founded and directed Movimento Comunità, a non-governmental organization of international cooperation, which took him to the Balkans to support the populations affected by the war. The turning point in politics came with the congress in Fiuggi and the birth of the National Alliance, in whose ranks he was elected regional councilor in Lazio in 1995. Five years after his re-election, with more than double the votes (12,000) and his appointment as councilor Budget in the Council of Francesco Storace. In 2005 he was re-elected for the third time, and the votes rose to 25,000. Historical opponent of those years is Fabio Rampelli.

The leap to Parliament in 2006

The leap to Parliament took place in 2006, when he won a seat in the Senate. In 2008 he was confirmed at Palazzo Madama in the lists of the People of Freedom. A year later he played a decisive role as head of the electoral campaign in the election of Gianni Alemanno as mayor of Rome and in 2010 (also as a former Ugl trade unionist) he led Renata Polverini to triumph as president of the Region. A great mediator, he tries in vain right up to the last minute to avoid the rift between Gianfranco Fini and Silvio Berlusconi. In the end, despite his closeness to Fini, he chose not to follow him in the “Future and freedom” training and to remain in the Cavaliere’s PDL, in whose government he was appointed Undersecretary of Public Administration in 2010. After Berlusconi’s resignation in 2012, together with 35 other parliamentarians (including the current defense minister, Guido Crosetto, who, deeply saddened, defines him as “a professional like few others in politics, always at the service of the institutions”), Augello signs a document in July 2012 which calls for a participatory change in the party. The following year, as a member of the elections and parliamentary immunities council in the Senate, he was the rapporteur in the procedure for the revocation of Berlusconi on the basis of the Severino law. The outcome is known: his report is rejected. In 2013, he joined the Nuovo Centro-destra led by Angelino Alfano: it will last two years. Accusing Ncd of Filorenzian drift, he will abandon the formation and move to the opposition, giving life with Gaetano Quagliariello to the Idea movement (Identity and action) and joining first the Gal group (Great autonomy and freedom) and then, in 2016, to Conservatives and reformists .

In May 2017, with the other senators from Idea, he joined the Federation of Freedom group. His activity was central to the commission of inquiry into the banks after the collapse of the Venetian institutes. A job that, according to many commentators, “costs” him the exclusion from the center-right lists for the policies of March 4, 2018. “A legitimate choice”, he comments. At the end of the year, the return “home” with entry into the Brothers of Italy and election to the Senate in the early elections of last September 25th.


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