Falling birth rate, zero taxes for those who have two children: the Giorgetti proposal. Bitonci (Lega): “Deduction of 10 thousand euros”

Falling birth rate, zero taxes for those who have two children: the Giorgetti proposal.  Bitonci (Lega): "Deduction of 10 thousand euros"


“No taxes for those who have children.” According to reports from Il Foglio, this would be the government’s clamorous idea contained in a dossier by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti. The proposal “that the minister will formalize in the name of the executive in the next few days – writes the newspaper – is precisely this: families made up of at least two children will not pay taxes. All taxes? Probably not, but the mechanism is already clear and in his way it is disruptive ». In the short term, as Giorgetti himself wrote in the Def, il Foglio continues, “the best way to reduce the debt/GDP ratio can only be to increase the flow of immigrants who arrive and stay”. In the long term, on the other hand, “to encourage the birth rate, Giorgetti continues, the strongest lever can only be another: to propose not simple relief to families but reductions in the number of taxes to be paid”.

Bitonci: deduction of 10,000 euros for dependent children

«The proposal of the Minister of the Economy is absolutely acceptable. To encourage the birth rate, it becomes necessary to reduce taxation for families with one or more dependent children. This does not mean abandoning the single allowance but, in addition to this, a deduction of 10,000 euros a year should be reintroduced for each dependent child (now 950 euros up to the age of 21) up to the end of their studies, including university studies, for all households with no income limits”. So Massimo Bitonci, undersecretary of the Ministry of Enterprises with a share in the League, comments on the rumors about Giancarlo Giorgetti’s idea of ​​reducing taxes on those who have children.

Same position in Lega home for Massimo Garavaglia, Senator and Chairman of the Finance and Treasury Committee: «Reducing taxes for those who have more children: it seems to us the best choice to protect the birth rate and families. A measure that would be added to the single check, however favoring the most numerous nuclei ».

Lega: good tax cuts to support families

«Reducing taxation for families with one or more dependent children is a sign of common sense to counter the phenomenon of falling birth rates. A proposal that the League, which has always been sensitive to the demographic question, strongly supports to ensure the country’s social and economic stability. For us, the demographic issue is a priority. Well, then, the consistent cut in income taxes to support households and reverse the course of the demographic winter”. The deputies Alberto Bagnai, Laura Cavandoli, Giulio Centemero and Alberto Gusmeroli, members of the Finance commission in the Chamber, declare it in a note.

Leo: resources for birth rate from Nadef and with tax reform interventions

The Deputy Economy Minister Maurizio Leo is more cautious: «Now we’ll see, the resources will have to be identified with the Update Note to the Economic and Financial Document. The first step was taken with the Def, the 3 billion which are put to service the reduction of the wedge and another 4.5 billion for 2024 which are destined for the fund for the reduction of the tax burden have been found». Thus the Deputy Minister of Economy, Maurizio Leo, on support for the birth rate (“one of the government’s priorities”), when questioned in Montecitorio. “Now we will see in the update note – he reiterated – if we will be able to find other resources to put at the service of tax reform interventions, including the birth rate”.


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