Everyone in the Democratic Party is ready to help Schlein, that is, to put her under guardianship

Everyone in the Democratic Party is ready to help Schlein, that is, to put her under guardianship


Bonaccini, Guerini, Orfini and Delrio are waiting for the secretary at the gate. And they ask to be involved more. Meanwhile Renzi and Calenda continue to move forward without speaking to each other

The old wives of the Democratic Party are convinced that the time has come to get Elly Schlein under control. For this reason, they are waiting impatiently for the convocation of the Management. Certainly not to attack the recently elected secretary, because that would certainly not be a solution. But to make the leader understand that she can no longer do everything alone without consulting the big names in currents and long-time party leaders. And it is for this reason that Schlein, who despite certain apparent naiveties is well aware of the mechanisms of the Democratic Party, has so far stalled on the convocation of a leadership which is usually called a few days before an electoral session, whatever the result.

Stefano Bonaccini, Lorenzo Guerini, Matteo Orfini, Graziano Delrio are waiting for the leader at the gate. Not to trip her up but, to put it in their language, to help her. Translated: to place it under guardianship. And the beauty is that even the elders who have sided with the leader since the beginning would like to do the same. Schlein, however, does not give up: “I won’t go back to the past, I was elected with a precise mandate and on a precise platform and therefore I will go on”. Francesco Boccia, powerful group leader of the Senate, who is a fervent supporter of her, urges her to keep going straight on her way. He, too, knows the mechanisms of the Democratic Party well and knows that if the secretary does not withdraw in the end, the old foxes will be forced to draft. A few months after Schlein’s election, it is in fact unthinkable that someone would raise the tone against her, therefore, according to Boccia, there is no need to worry and retreat. The area that belongs to Bonaccini, however, continues to rattle. Above all those who have not been rewarded by the new management, those who have not entered the secretariat or who have not had a job are trembling and would like their leader to have a more decision-making attitude towards Schlein. But the president of the Emilia-Romagna region is convinced that this is not the time for forward escapes, so he invites everyone to calm down: “Guys, it takes patience, a lot of patience”, Bonaccini continues to repeat to everyone.

Meanwhile, the anomalous couple of Italian politics, namely the one made up of Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, continues to move forward without speaking to each other. Messages between the two are exchanged through intermediaries. The leader of Action, who is increasingly intolerant of embracing Italy alive even if for now he has buried the hatchet, is looking for a way to withdraw from the agreement with Renzi, whom he still does not trust at all. Also because Calenda is convinced that the former prime minister is serious about moving to the right. Renzi continues to deny that this is his real goal, but the leader of Action struggles to believe him. For this reason he would like to disengage before the European elections. But this is exactly what the number one of Italia viva wants to avoid. The tug of war between the two, however silent, is always ongoing. And Renzi continues to tell his followers that, however much the leader of Action tries to free himself, he will not succeed in his intent. The gist of the ex premier’s reassurances is more or less this: don’t worry, I have my own methods to convince him.


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