Estate or split? Because support for Ukraine will be Schlein’s red line

Estate or split?  Because support for Ukraine will be Schlein's red line


Guerini’s warning (“That line will have to be confirmed, because we chose it together”), Letta’s recommendations, Franceschini’s fears. Conte already provokes the Nazarene: “Are you for peace or for arms?”

That it is “subtle” is evident. Just query Lorenzo Guerini to understand that, in the new course of the Democratic Party, the one concerning support for Ukraine, the Atlanticist compass, is a red line. Not to be exceeded. “I think it will be a line that we will have to confirm because it was the line that the entire Democratic Party has supported from the beginning”. The president of Copasir says it with the gravity of one who, as defense minister, has assumed from the outset, and almost as a necessary choice, the responsibility of anchoring the party to the axis that from Washington, via Brussels, leads up to Kyiv. “It was the necessary choice, but not taken for granted, and that we will have to know how to claim”, he recommends the same Enrico Lettanow resigning secretary who has never wavered on the need to support, even militarily, the resistance of the Ukrainian people.

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