Erasing streets and roads named after the myths of fascism: the left relaunches anti-fascism and presents two laws

Erasing streets and roads named after the myths of fascism: the left relaunches anti-fascism and presents two laws


Prohibition by law to name a park after Mussolini Arnaldothe brother of Benitoas he proposed Claudius Durigon therefore forced to leave his post as undersecretary, to which he has now returned. But neither can there be streets, squares and buildings dedicated to Almirante or to other myths of the right in government. Where there are, they must be deleted: Italian toponymy must be reviewed.

The Pd-M5Stelle and left front asks Parliament to strike a blow on anti-fascism. And he presents two bills that should be discussed as soon as possible, in the intentions of the opposition.

These are laws that have as first signatories two dem parliamentarians, Andrew DeMaria And Walter Verini, but who find the yellow-reds compact. They concern the repression of propaganda “based on the exaltation of the subversive methods of the democratic order typical of fascist or Nazi-fascist ideology” and “the prohibition of naming streets, squares and other places or public buildings after exponents of the fascist party and ideology” .

A work of two legislatures

In a press conference yesterday in Montecitorio, the president of the Anpi, the association of partisans, Gianfranco Pagliarulo he recalled the oversights of Palazzo Chigi and the premier Giorgia Meloni on Piazza Fontana on the anniversary of the massacre (only the President of the Republic did it, Sergio Mattarella), and the President of the Senate, Ignatius LaRussa, which limited itself “to commemorating the certainly execrable murder of Sergio Ramelli”. But above all, there cannot be streets and squares named after those who wrote “racism must be food for everyone”, warned Pagliarulo.

Battle carried out already in the past legislature with the proposal of Lele Fiano, who says: “The two bills against fascism are the result of the work of two legislatures. We don’t want the bad masters of the past to re-emerge from the graves. We want to give us a tool. Many complaints presented in recent years, which refer to the Scelba law, have fallen on deaf ears”. Not only. Fiano explains: “Neo-fascist apology and propaganda are criminally punishable only when they form part of a plan for the recomposition of the fascist party. For this reason, myriads of cases of ostentation of neo-fascist symbols are not sanctioned.”

“Fascism is not a theme that concerns only the past”

And Verini adds: “Fascism is said to be a theme that concerns the past. Well, it’s not exactly like that. The Utoya massacre tells us so. And the assault on the Roman headquarters of the CGIL a year ago tells us so. We need barriers, including penal ones, to the re-emergence of fascist and neo-fascist phenomena”. So a hope from the Democratic Party and all the left: “The right that governs today should be institutionalized”. The Grillo Alfonso Colucci he denounced “the ideological escalation for which intervening with a law that strengthens democracy is important”. He spoke about the topicality of the issue Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian left. Laura Boldrini drew attention to what is happening online: “Fascism is still a current reality. Nazi and fascist ideology is spreading online in total indifference. There are hundreds of Facebook pages praising fascism and Nazism. I wrote to Zuckerberg to shut down those pages of shame and was told that this is not within Facebook policy. This makes us understand how these phenomena move among young people and in a difficult period the wrong messages can be passed on. No more dedications to Almirante because our constitution is anti-fascist and we have to live up to it”. “If this bill had been in force, after the Roman assault on the CGIL we could have intervened immediately”, says De Maria.


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