Equal opportunity to feminism. Without rhetoric. Eugenia Roccella writes to us

Equal opportunity to feminism.  Without rhetoric.  Eugenia Roccella writes to us


The movements and demands have not been able to escape the logic of alignment, they have remained clinging to the hopes of a left that does not exist. The same left that, apart from a few exceptions, has inserted women like a wheel in the new rights mechanism. The intervention of the Minister for Equal Opportunities

To the director – Alessandra Bocchetti’s letter, besides being a message to the minister, is a writing among women, recognizing oneself in the distance. But how big is this distance? We are the ones who have to decide, choosing to take refuge in rigid ideological schemes, or to open some space of different freedom. Bocchetti is right, we feminists have never asked for a ministry for equal opportunities, but it was established after women filled the streets and demolished legislative and cultural walls, reaffirming that we exist, that we are not a category or a minority, but simply half of humanity. A half that wants to be free, not as men are, but as women know how to be. So it does not free us from our own body, but bringing all of ourselves into the public space, with our body that generates and which cannot be controlled.

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