Enough with the Northern League rhetoric of paternity that makes you better

Enough with the Northern League rhetoric of paternity that makes you better


It is a dangerous narration, because sooner or later it will unleash some anti-patriarchal pimp from Schlein or from Murgia. But above all: generating offspring does not mean automatically developing piety, especially towards migrants

I figli so’ Pezzi ‘e core”, there is also an unforgettable film with Mario Merola at his best. And in fact: “We are fathers and parents,” the Deputy Minister of Transport, Edoardo Rixi, tells Il Foglio, guaranteeing that the Crotone tragedy is also sorry for him. “I’m a father too”, informs the minister Matteo Piantedosi. And the giver of both, Matteo Salvini never misses an opportunity to repeat that he speaks “like a father”. But all this Northern League rhetoric of paternity that makes you kinder is dangerous in the meantime, because sooner or later it will unleash some anti-patriarchal pimps from Schlein or Murgia, and they are risks that it would be good not to run, I say this as a father too, albeit with two children mustachioed and hairy, as is known to be preferred to human ones because they don’t take drugs, they don’t do badly in school and they aren’t always there to ask for money.

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