Eni, welfare rises to 135 million, while the results drag the premium to 130 million

Eni, welfare rises to 135 million, while the results drag the premium to 130 million


If it is true that “the success of welfare is directly proportional to the company’s ability to listen to colleagues and to do so in a structured way”, as argued by Luca De Santis, Eni’s human resources and organization manager, the path chosen by the company to redesign and enriching a system where over 100 million euros were already invested a year, could only be that of listening. There are around 21,000 employees in the Eni community in Italy, with an average age of 46. There are 4 generations, each with its own history and needs. «For us it is as if it were a social duty to do everything possible to increase the quality of life of our people, improving their well-being as far as possible – continues the manager -. All of this is also connected to motivation, because the more positive the corporate environment is, the more people feel involved also from an emotional and cognitive point of view. The climate benefits, which becomes more serene, and the employee, who increases awareness of the world in which he works. The aim is also the attractiveness of the company on the labor market that these initiatives generate. Eni is evolving and it is important that the way it is perceived and appreciated by young people also changes, which must be different from 10 or 15 years ago. The youngest, today, make their choices also on the basis of the company’s objectives, mission and vision of the future. From this point of view, welfare makes it clear who we are: what we expect from our people, but also what we can do for them, to make them feel and work better. With an impact also along our entire supply chain».

Generational workshops

Eni’s new welfare manages to include its various generations also thanks to the meetings and workshops around Italy that have met the needs of the different territories. “We wanted to embrace the entire life cycle of the employee, trying not to forget that needs change according to the moment in which the worker is in his professional and personal career, from when he is hired to when he retires – says De Santis -. The different visions must be listened to and it is with this spirit that we have done a great team effort to hear the various facets of the different stakeholders, through a cycle of workshops in which we have involved 200 colleagues, half under 35 and the other half over 35. The subdivision was not only generational but also territorial: the meetings were in fact divided into two macro geographical areas, north and central south». To try to get people to express their thinking and expectations about welfare, «the workshops were organized with an agile methodology. From meeting to meeting, we realized that not everyone was fully aware of all the facets of our system on which the priority today is to invest in increasingly effective communication, so that it is more usable by everyone», says De Santis.

The agreement with the unions

The path of workshops and meetings has prepared the ground for building the strengthening of shared welfare with the trade union organizations with which the “We: Initiatives and services for the well-being of Eni people” protocol was signed. Focusing on the economic aspect, “the maneuver that we are preparing to implement generates investments for a further 20 million euros a year to which are added a further 15 million for the fringe benefits provided by 2022 as required by current legislation – calculates De Santis -: we are giving our workers a welfare credit of 500 euros that they can spend within this year through our platform of goods and services. Not only. There will also be a fuel bonus for a value of 200 euros, according to the tax reduction threshold of the 2022 legislation. For this year, the two measures bring about 700 euros net more per worker. Then in 2023 we will see how and whether to continue with this operation». To help workers deal with the cost of living and the energy shock, the company has also provided a discount on gas and electricity bills for Eni Plenitude customers, with an economic saving of 140 euros a year.

Multiplier welfare

The measures of the protocol are added to the upward adjustment of the prize. This year, in November, the company in fact supplemented the performance bonus with a further 30% compared to the estimated amount, with its value consequently passing from approximately 80 million in 2022 (relating to 2021), to over 130 estimated for the 2022 accrual bonus. The multiplier effect of the conversion into welfare goods and services is added to the increase. «This possibility has been raised from the current 50% to 70% of the premium, with a tax advantage for workers given that they perceive the gross as net – says De Santis -. Furthermore, the percentage of the additional quota offered by Eni based on the welfare credit used has also been increased, which will go from 20 to 25%».

Digital healthcare

The protocol traces the path of a welfare that exploits digital and technology, not only because the reference point are the platforms on the corporate intranet, but also because it enhances that digital which with the pandemic has been cleared through customs in many services, including those healthcare which are among the most used by Eni workers, who are very sensitive to both healthcare and supplementary social security, as shown by their almost total membership of the sector’s complementary funds. This is also why, in agreement with the trade unions, the digital health care “more health” was launched. It is a new service which provides unlimited tele/video visits with general practitioners, available 24 hours a day, even at night and on weekends. Then there are further services, from specialist tele/video visits, to home visits and ad hoc logistical services, such as, for example, the delivery of medicines. Digital and home healthcare currently involves around 4 thousand people, but the goal is to extend it to the entire corporate population. «It is a service that allows you to have an initial consultation both generic and specialist digitally and to divert our people to the best possible structure, even with special agreements, in order to be able to carry out analyses, medical visits and treat pathologies in the best possible way, as well as receive ad hoc services. The company is made up of many different facets and our intention is to make medical services more easily accessible to all and in the same way». If awareness of supplementary healthcare is strong, so is that of supplementary pensions, as shown by the almost total enrollment of workers in the funds. In this regard, the company’s share in Fondenergia was increased and it was decided to allow employees to allocate all the severance pay accrued before January 2007, currently available in the company, to the pension fund.


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