Energy and steel: Rebuilding Ukraine can be business

Energy and steel: Rebuilding Ukraine can be business


There are two processes: one concerns the emergency, the other, more long-term, is the removal of the rubble from which a new country can be born. Here Italy can be the protagonist

Last June the memorandum of understanding with the government of Volodymyr Zelens’kyj, yesterday the inauguration of the headquarters of Confindustria in Kyiv (the president Carlo Bonomi cut the ribbon together with the minister of enterprises and made in Italy Adolfo Urso). The commitment of private entrepreneurs to Ukraine not only has a mercantile content, but is also a clear political gesture to put an end to hesitations, winks, coldness, prudence, in short, a variety of attitudes which, immediately after the Russian invasion, had aroused questions and controversies. “The reconstruction of Ukraine has a scope and meaning that go far beyond mere economic interests since it is a question of supporting a country that has seen its territorial sovereignty violated and of creating solid foundations for making the process of joining the European Union concrete ”, Bonomi said yesterday. Urso arrived in Kyiv the day after the vote expressed by a large majority by the Senate on the new decree authorizing the shipment of weapons and equipment in 2023, with the announcement of the sixth package under preparation and the preparation of humanitarian relief measures also in field of energy and electricity infrastructures also announced yesterday by Palazzo Chigi.

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