Emilia Romagna, Marche and Tuscany reconstruction decree: post-flood aid up to 2.75 billion

Emilia Romagna, Marche and Tuscany reconstruction decree: post-flood aid up to 2.75 billion


An ad hoc Fund worth a total of 2.5 billion in the three-year period 2023-2025 for the reconstruction of the areas of Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Tuscany affected by the floods in early May. Another 21 million between this year and next for the extraordinary commissioner and the support structure of 60 people. One hundred and twenty million in 2023, which comes from the sums paid into the state budget by Equitalia Justice, for contributions to private reconstruction. And finally, a further allocation for businesses, up to a maximum of 100 million from the resources pursuant to Law 181/1989 intended for areas of non-complex industrial crisis (see Il Sole 24 Ore of 29 June), to ensure «the maintenance of employment and the full recovery of production capacity”.

Dowry of 2.74 billion

The financial endowment of the decree-law for the reconstruction in the territories overwhelmed by bad weather, approved on 27 June by the Council of Ministers, totals 2.741 billion, received stamping yesterday by the General Accounting Office to arrive in the Official Gazette in the evening ( is the decree 88/2023). The Government, through the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani, announced that the text will merge as an amendment to the “flood” Decree (61/2023), which had allocated 2.2 billion for the emergency, currently under examination of the House Environment Committee. Objective: to speed up conversion times. The official appointment as extraordinary commissioner for the reconstruction of General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo with Presidential Decree is expected for 6 July. The governors Stefano Bonaccini, Francesco Acquaroli and Eugenio Giani will be sub-commissioners. Already today Figliuolo will see Minister Nello Musumeci and the heads of the Civil Protection and Casa Italia departments, Fabrizio Curcio and Luigi Ferrara, to make a first point. Emilia-Romagna alone had calculated a requirement of 1.93 billion (out of an estimated amount of damages at 8.8 billion) to carry out the first 6,000 measures on roads and river banks.

The Fund established by the Legislative Decree, in article 4, is fed by 500 million euros for 2023, 300 for 2024 and 200 for 2025, plus another 1.5 billion. The first billion is obtained from the folds of the state budget by cutting the Fund for the start-up of non-deferrable works over the three-year period set against the expensive raw materials by Decree Law 50/2022. The remaining 1.5 billion are drawn from the unused sums allocated by the 2017 and 2019 budget laws for the Fund dedicated to investments and the country’s infrastructural development.

Powers of ordinance in derogation

For the rest, the structure of the decree, in 11 articles, remained the one already anticipated by the Sole 24 Ore. The extraordinary commissioner, in office until 30 June 2024 (renewable, assured by the Government), will have broad powers of ordinance in derogation from any provision of the law, without prejudice to compliance with criminal law, general principles of the law and the anti-mafia code , as well as the mandatory constraints deriving from membership of the EU. Figliuolo will be responsible for planning the resources and coordinating the interventions for public and private reconstruction. “At least every six months” he will have to inform the “coordination booth” which supports his action, a new body chaired by the commissioner and composed of the heads of the civil protection and Casa Italia departments, the governors, the metropolitan mayors and the representatives of Anci and Upi.

“Immediate repair” interventions

On the private reconstruction front, the task of the commissioner will be to identify the interventions on the damaged heritage, distinguishing between those of “immediate repair” to strengthen residential and productive buildings, those of “timely restoration or reconstruction” of the structures and those of “integrated reconstruction” of destroyed or seriously damaged historic centers and nuclei. Figliuolo will then have to define the guiding criteria and parameters for determining the costs. Contributions of up to 100% may be disbursed (the ceiling is 120 million), also for damage to buildings, stocks and capital goods for “productive, industrial, agricultural, zootechnical, craft, tourist, professional activities” and for relocation temporary. Confirmed the norm registered by the Ministry of Enterprise on the equivalence of flooded areas, for the purposes of aid to companies, with areas of non-complex industrial crisis. Instead, the other Mimit proposal travels in the framework bill on reconstruction, which recognizes the immediate liquidation of damages up to a limit of 30% to companies that have taken out an insurance policy.


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