Elly Schlein without Defense | The paper

Elly Schlein without Defense |  The paper


One might as well say: “Enrico Borghi didn’t know it, oh well”. Indeed, it seems to be precisely the comment that is the most popular around the Nazarene, if it is true that Lorenzo Guerini feels the urgency in the middle of the day to suggest that “there is no need to dramatize Borghi’s outburst, nor to declassify it and resolve it with a shrug of the shoulders”. And among the various reasons why Elly Schlein would do well not to dismiss the exit of the dem senator with a puff, there is precisely a theme dear to Guerini: security and intelligence policies. It was Borghi himself who was responsible for it in Enrico Letta’s Pd. With the new course, it was evidently considered that a specific delegation in the secretariat was no longer necessary: ​​and therefore, formally, it is not well known who is the owner of these dossiers in Schlein’s team. Peppe Provenzano, who is the foreign affairs representative of the party, did not assume that position.

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