«Elevated indicates the mission»- Corriere.it

«Elevated indicates the mission»- Corriere.it


Of Cesare Zapperi

The site and the founding deed have been published online. The text for the “apostles”: “The problem is the superfluous. Don’t look for answers, but questions: the answers will come by themselves»

“Our universe may not be the only one, but only one of many parallel universes. All this leads us to think that humanity is very small compared to the reality of the latest representations of science. So the religious Reality must necessarily be found Elsewhere». He writes like this Beppe Grillo to explain what he was looking for
founding the Church of Elsewhere
. Before he put the site online, then published the founding deed of his new creed that he launched during his new tour which tonight stops at the Brancaccio theater in Rome (where Giuseppe Conte and Alessandro Di Battista could appear).

Now here they are unfolded, in a nimble little volume entitled «L’Elsewhere», the rituals,
exorcisms, the symbols of the new religion. The logo is a stylized A as if it were an antenna mast. But there is also, with a mocking reference to Christian iconography, a “crown of pins that the High wears to testify to his Connections”. Grillo is expressed as a saint (or a guru). He dispenses his Word, as Elevated as he considers himself, mixing suggestions, catchphrases, provocations, enveloping everything in an aura of mystery. An example? Elsewhere all ‘wrong’ questions are ‘right’ and all ‘right’ answers are ‘wrong’. It is the classic grillino paradox to which the believer of the neo-religion is called to conform. “The best approach to embark on this journey is that of the amateurs and the extravagant, not that of the self-proclaimed experts and optimists”.

There prospect it must be overturned with respect to the common logic, everything is put back in
discussion. The Elevated shows the way: «To heal from today’s diseases we need to remove the superfluous that intoxicates us. An Elevated Architect said that “less” is “more”. But “less” is also “care”. To live better, therefore, we must stop asking ourselves what we want and start asking ourselves what we don’t want». Among those who have been electrocuted on the new road there is also, or above all, the founder of the creed. One (Grillo) who wanted to get out of «the fun tunnel, which is more intoxicating than the drug tunnel» but who, after exalting the revolutionary and liberating power of the web, now must admit that we have “holed up in even more dystopian and alienating digital tunnels”.

There answer, according to the father of the M5S, it can only be the Church of Elsewhere
founded «at noon on the winter solstice of the year 2022 of the Common Era» (although it is specified that there is no incompatibility with «the Churches of other religions»). The guide the Elevated and is founded on a ministry of Elsewhere which is made up of the Altrovatar who «preside over the laws, the apostolate and the administration of the Church Elsewhere on Earth». You can join voluntarily (by undergoing at least three rituals) or involuntarily (by undergoing three exorcisms). Among the first are the “bandaging”, the “breaking of the mirror”, the “stoning” and the “resurrection”. As for the latter, “the acts of redemption must be marked by the removal of the Evils that intoxicate the Antivatars”.

Whoever passes one or the other gets the “licence” (with a points mechanism, such as was that of driving …). After that he will have to pursue the projects of the Church which are “of communities and not of individuals”. The language becomes deliberately obscure, Grillo-l’Elevato speaks of creating «Cathedrals, Arches and Metaverses of Elsewhere». He does not say more, but warns against repeating the errors committed by “prophets” who arrived before him to correct errors which were then repeated verbatim. «Do not look for answers, but questions: the answers will come by themselves».

The question remains who will be able to join the new Church, what qualities they must possess have the faithful. Also in this case Grillo plays on what one must «not be». And so with a long list of negative adjectives: «Greedy, ostentatious and vulgar», but also «liars, cunning and traitors» as well as «poor, miserable and cowardly».

March 20, 2023 (change March 20, 2023 | 07:26)


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