Eleonora, portrait of a Berlusconi leaning Veronica

Eleonora, portrait of a Berlusconi leaning Veronica


Eleonora Berlusconi who was born in Arlesheim in 1986 in the Ita Wegman anthroposophical clinic, like all Veronica Lario’s children, does not drink, does not smoke and has no vices. Apathetic among empaths, Eleonora is the one who cries little in Piazza Duomo. She stands out. And maybe she’s playing it easy… In a world of blondes, she’s the brunette. “Eleonora the stranger”, is told by those who know her, “she is apathetic. And in any case she is far from all that world ”. Malizia takes over and so it is true that she resembles her mother, Veronica Lario. “She is very fond of her, yes. In fact, she is not like her father: she has no vices ”. That of vices is the dominant gene in the family. “Perhaps among women. But she doesn’t smoke, she doesn’t drink and she doesn’t swear. Very different from Marina and Barbara”. She is different in hair and speech. “Totally. Barbara is a kind of female Silvio: a desire for life, for joy… And also for men while Eleonora is not”. And she indeed she seems alive in a world of hers. In its own cloud of doubts and beauty, hidden by the already historic veil of June 14th (“in coffin style”, as the social networks teased). A perfect veil for Ferdinando Scianna’s Leika but also for the impressionists of the late nineteenth century.

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