Edda Negri Mussolini: “Does my grandfather’s photo bother? It’s history, then tear down the Colosseum “

Edda Negri Mussolini: “Does my grandfather's photo bother?  It's history, then tear down the Colosseum "


“I can not understand. It is not by removing a photo that you erase what it was: history is history and that’s it. Otherwise then everything that has been built would have to be demolished ». So Edda Negri Mussolini, former mayor of Gemmano in the province of Rimini and author of some books on her family replies to the controversy sparked by the photo of Mussolini placed in the gallery of the former ministers at the Ministry of Economic Development.

“My grandfather was in government, it’s part of history. Then the Colosseum should be demolished since it was the scene of barbarism against Christians: – continues Edda Mussolini – history is such regardless of what it is, then one can criticize, one can compare and express opinions, but it is history. And then, logically, everything that was done in that period should also be demolished ». «I would say that my grandfather’s photo should be the least of my thoughts in a moment like the one we are experiencing now, with businesses that close, with families that do not make it to the end of the month choked by expensive bills. – Edda Mussolini concludes – There are those who are forced to steal food from the supermarket and think of the photo of my grandfather that hangs in the Mise. Let’s think about reality, about people’s concrete problems, there are much more important things to think about ».

Also in the Anteroom of Palazzo Chigi there is the photo of Benito Mussolini among the portraits of the Prime Minister

But Bersani insists
I was annoyed by the commentators who pretend not to understand. I have no objection to the fact that at the Italic Forum there is the word Dux, history is history. I would have objections if Dux sculpted us on the new stadium of the capital ». Pier Luigi Bersani, the one who opened the dispute, said today. “That gallery of ministers had never been to the Ministry of Industry, it has been there for a week. Frankly I do not accept it, it does not seem right that the ministers of the Italian Republic are put in continuity with the minister of the corporations of monarchical and fascist Italy -explained the former minister-. I said, would you like to keep it? Take mine away, let’s say it’s for privacy. I don’t accept that thing there. ” “I also opened the building to the public, but Sironi and Piacentini are one thing and Il Duce is another. We need to begin to understand this thing here, ”added Bersani.


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