Donzelli plunges the government right back into the minority vocation

Donzelli plunges the government right back into the minority vocation


Those of the deputy were not words escaped by the sen, but the expression of a subspecies of communication strategy. Expedients as easy as coarse, which it was hoped would be set aside by the exponents of the majority

The anarchist Alfredo Cospito wants to overthrow the 41-bis and is in agreement with the mafia, as evidenced by some interceptions captured in prison, therefore those who criticize the abuse of 41-bis are also a bit of a mafioso. This, more or less, is the syllogism used yesterday in the Chamber by the honorable member of FdI Giovanni Donzelli to respond to those who believe that the so-called hard prison is sometimes abused in Italy. Before going into the merits of the words of the Hon. Donzelli, one fact should be underlined. In other words, those of the deputy, and collaborator among the closest to the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, were not words, as they say, from the sen escaped. but rather theexpression of a subspecies of communication strategythe rhetorical concoction of a political group which in the first months of government had instead given the impression of having given up on expedients as easy as they were crude.

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