Don’t be so “Sad”. How much damage does bulimia do from energy subsidies

Don't be so “Sad”.  How much damage does bulimia do from energy subsidies


Such generous measures, around 60 billion euros in a year and a half, constitute a ballast not only and not so much for the public budget, but above all for the government’s fiscal policy, which by extending them deprives itself of any room for maneuver

The government’s decision not to extend the excise tax rebates caused a spin. On the one hand, the majority parties that promised to cut fuel taxes during the electoral campaign are throwing away their commitments and, in fact, raising taxes. On the other hand, the oppositions that never miss an opportunity to invoke the abolition of “environmentally harmful subsidies”, today attack Giorgia Meloni And Giancarlo Giorgetti for a fiscally responsible and environmentally sensible choice. Premise: Italian excise duties are among the highest in Europe. On petrol only the Netherlands beat us, while on diesel we are the first.

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