Do not intercept the Constitution. Nordio’s ideas are right

Do not intercept the Constitution.  Nordio's ideas are right


For the 5-star Scarpinato, intervening on the interceptions would be “a restoration of the pre-constitutional structure”. The opposite is true: their indiscriminate use contrasts with the fundamental principle of personal freedom. We’ll see how the reform will be, but the Minister of Justice’s approach is correct

The will of the Minister of Justice to counter the abuses and propagation of wiretaps – which for the moment has not generated legal provisions and even less the hypothesis of limiting those relating to Mafia investigations – has also given rise to a debate which in some cases has taken on the characteristics of a prejudicial battle and no holds barred. Roberto ScarpinatoMP of the Five Stars and former prosecutor exactly like Charles Nordiohas come to argue that the proposed reform would be “a restoration of the pre-constitutional order”, that is, a violation, if not exactly of the letter, at least of the spirit of the Constitutional Charter. In reality, the opposite is true: the indiscriminate use of “trawl” and environmental interceptions contrasts with the fundamental principle of personal freedom, which is not a “concession” of the State, but a right that precedes it.

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