Dl Lavoro, no tax relief for those who stabilize caregivers: what happened – Corriere.it

Dl Lavoro, no tax relief for those who stabilize caregivers: what happened - Corriere.it


No tax relief for those who stabilize caregivers. The amendment to the labor decree, approved in recent days by the Senate’s Social Affairs Commission, received a negative opinion from the Budget Commission. The amendment, first signed by Barbara Guidolin (M5s), provided for the decontribution for 3 years for those who hire or stabilize caregivers who assist non self-sufficient elderly people.

The modification was under the spotlight of the commission precisely because of the estimated problems of the roofing charges quantified at 15 million for 2023. M5S Senator Barbara Guidolin says. With this amendment, which was approved last week in the Labor-Health Committee also with the votes of the majority, we would have supported thousands of families in assisting the elderly. According to INPS data reworked by the Domina association, in 2020 there were over 920,000 regular domestic workers, not only caregivers but also housekeepers, with an increase of 7.5% compared to the previous year. Among these, the prevalence of women is clear (87.6%) with the foreign presence accounting for 68.8% of the total.


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