Di Stefano inflates his CV to look for work. The epic of the grillino who loved Putin

Di Stefano inflates his CV to look for work.  The epic of the grillino who loved Putin


The oversight, let’s take it this way, is not relevant for the purposes of political news, since the person concerned is now a private citizen. However, if anything, it has to do with the human comedy of the grillismo that was, who then renounced himself in order to survive, finally adopting nice stratagems to reinvent himself. Here then is that Manlio DiStefanoa longtime loyalist of Louis DiMaio at the Farnesina, in the understandable anxiety of relocating, he updates his social profiles. After all, Europe is finding a place for Capo Giggino, Tajani permitting, as special envoy in the Gulf.

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