Del Bono (Pd): “Dear Schlein, the waste-to-energy plants must be done. No more ideology”

Del Bono (Pd): "Dear Schlein, the waste-to-energy plants must be done. No more ideology"


The former mayor of Brescia scolds the secretary on environmental issues: “We need pragmatism, like the German Greens. Let our plant be an example”. And on the disagreements among the members of the secretariat: “I study better. The alternative is landfills”

Look at the discussion entirely within the Democratic Party on the issue of waste-to-energy plants, and he, who in Brescia realized how indispensable that plant was for the city’s waste cycle, almost has no capacity for it. “Incinerators and waste-to-energy plants must be done, period. To Elly Schlein I want to say this: sticking to ideological issues is useless. We need pragmatism, as the German Greens do”. And to those who sit next to you in the secretariat and say they are against, what do you suggest? “But let them study more! There is no escaping the numbers. Also because what is the alternative: to keep the landfills open?”.

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