Defending Kyiv is good for the West. And it doesn’t hurt Italy

Defending Kyiv is good for the West.  And it doesn't hurt Italy


Italy, as we know, is a country that has long gotten used to transforming only negative news into usable news, hard news are only bad news, and when the positive news presents itself there in a disruptive way, it happens that the observers find themselves unprepared, disoriented, often unable to understand how it is possible that everything that should have gone badly, very badly, instead went well, almost very well . Yesterday was one of those dramatic days for catastrophists, alarmists and apocalypse professionals. And it was particularly so for all those who a year ago had bet on an equation that turned out to be fallacious: support for Ukraine is wrong because it will produce endless problems for our economy, our exports, our growth, our well-being and the our energy needs. In summary: let’s stop bothering Russia, otherwise we’ll end up with the disaster at home. Yesterday, on these issues, it was a double cold shower for the catastrophists.

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