Def, the Democratic Party against the government. Boccia: “Insufficient and without prospects, the right without proposals”

Def, the Democratic Party against the government.  Boccia: "Insufficient and without prospects, the right without proposals"


The Democratic Party strikes hard against the first Def of the Meloni government. “We are facing a difficult economic and social situation and inflation that is killing wages. These are the country’s emergencies. But the Def approved yesterday by the CDM does not mention this and hypothesizes a programmatic GDP of 1% in 2023, by 1.5 in 2024, by 1.3 in 2025 and by 1.1 in 2026”. Thus the president of the senators of the Democratic Party Francesco Boccia.

“These are breathless figures, which give the sense of the total absence of industrial policy ambitions and economic horizons unrelated to the impact of the PNRR. The numbers of the first Def of the Meloni government confirm once again that the right not only does not believe in investments and in the reforms envisaged by the European plan but will do everything to reduce it”, he continues.

“The programmatic GDP from 2024 to 2026 confirms it. We are facing a Def without perspective and insufficient, made up of cuts and scarce investments, with a horizon of very low growth, and a cut in taxes on labor too low to have concrete effects The right, after the promises of the electoral campaign, wakes up in a very different reality but does not know which answers to give and which proposals to make”, concludes Boccia.

Def, a cash transaction with no future

by Carlo Cottarelli

Nardella: wrong to contrast rate cut and minimum wage

“We are absolutely not against cutting taxes on labour, on the contrary it was a battle born with the centre-left governments. We supported it in the Draghi government and Draghi made a huge effort in the 2022 maneuver with a 2% cut, but it is wrong contrast the cut in taxes on labor with the minimum wage. Indeed, they are two measures that can and must go together”. This is what the mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, declares regarding the Def approved yesterday which plans to cut the tax wedge by three billion in 2024.

“The minimum wage is really one of those tools that aims to give the person that minimum of dignity and freedom – he adds – because the Constitution clearly states it, in any case the wage must allow the citizen to live a dignified and free life. Today with 600/700 euros a month, nothing but a dignified and free life. You live a life of total poverty and unfortunately, with the effect of inflation, wages have further reduced”. Nardella, who is also a member of the Democratic Party, exhorts: “Let’s carry out both measures, I don’t understand why the government continues to insist on the fact that the minimum wage is not a useful measure”.


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