Def rejected by the majority in the Chamber: the 5 reasons

Def rejected by the majority in the Chamber: the 5 reasons


1 Why did the government have to convene a Council of Ministers to approve a new Def?

Parliamentary regulations prohibit the same provision from being submitted to the vote of the Chambers twice. To overcome the problem, therefore, the executive had to modify the report accompanying the Economic and Financial Document while keeping the budget balances unchanged. It had never happened before that a resolution on the Def was not approved by Parliament. The text actually obtained a relative majority, but the absolute one of 201 votes was needed.

2 Why is an absolute majority needed for the Def?
An absolute majority is not required to approve the resolution on the Def, it is so when the Economic and Financial Document provides for a budget variance as in this case. In 2012, the reform of article 81 of the Constitution included the principle of budget balance among the fundamental rules of the State. To overcome it, therefore, a majority vote is not enough, but the go-ahead of half plus one of the deputies and senators is needed.

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3 Why are the approval times of the Def lengthening?
Because the amended text must first be examined by the House Budget Commission and then approved by an absolute majority. Once the green light has been obtained from Montecitorio, the text must return to the Senate: the resolution approved by Palazzo Madama, in fact, is superseded by the one fired last night by the Council of Ministers. And two identical texts must come out of the Chambers.

4 How long will it take?
The government hopes to get the green light from the House this morning and then get the text to the Senate in the afternoon. Without a hitch, the resolution could be approved by Saturday: in this way it would not postpone the Council of Ministers scheduled for Monday 1st May, when the government should approve a work decree with the cut of the tax wedge, financed by the greater deficit.

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5 Why is it urgent to approve the Def?
The Economic and Financial Document constitutes the main national economic policy planning document and is agreed with the European Union: it outlines the commitments in terms of consolidating public finances and the guidelines adopted by Italy for compliance with the Stability Pact and European growth and the achievement of growth objectives. The text must be presented to Parliament every year by 10 April to allow the Chambers to examine the document promptly. Subsequently, by 30 April, the Def must be approved and sent to the EU Commission which proposes specific recommendations for the country which will be adopted by the EU Council and then implemented by the Nadef, the update note that the government presents by 27 September.


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