Def: Flash CDM, concluded after a few minutes, tomorrow in the Senate at 2 pm, Meloni: “We confirm the CDM on May 1st”

Def: Flash CDM, concluded after a few minutes, tomorrow in the Senate at 2 pm, Meloni: "We confirm the CDM on May 1st"


Yes is concluded the Council of Ministers convened immediately after the Chamber rejected the majority resolution on the budget variance, with the 2023 Economic and Financial Document on the agenda. It was a lightning meeting, which lasted less than ten minutes. In the Council of Ministers, according to government sources, the Def has not changed than the one already sent. It’s sOnly the Report has been modified.

LThe Senate floor is convened tomorrow at 2 pm to proceed to the vote on the “new” budget slippage report. This was decided by the conference of group leaders of the senate, as reported to the assembly by the president of the senate, ignazio la rossa. The new vote becomes necessary after the absolute majority of the members on the report on the deviation, approved instead by Palazzo Madama, has not been reached in the chamber. The plenary session will be broadcast live on television and will begin directly with the explanations of votes and will be preceded by the meetings of the committees.

Meloni confirms the CDM on May 1st

“The Def will be approved by Parliament in the next few days, in the next few hours, we will keep our commitment” including the May 1st CDM which “for me, for now is confirmed”, said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in an informal conversation with reporters in his hotel in London. “May 1st is Workers’ Day and we want a signal on the world of work” We also called the trade unions for Sunday evening, I’m sorry but these were the times. Everything is organized but I’m confident I can manage.”


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