Def, chaos in the Chamber then the green light, the majority apologizes: large majority –

Def, chaos in the Chamber then the green light, the majority apologizes: large majority -


Of Alessandra Arachi

After Thursday’s big slip, the centre-right is united in Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama. In the Chamber Tommaso Foti, Fdi, clashes with Debora Serracchiani, Pd, turmoil in the courtroom, the dem threaten to leave. Fontana suspends the session

At a quarter past four yesterday afternoon, the Senate also approved the new report on budget variance, linked to the Economic and Financial Document (Def), with a large majority. The Chamber had given the green light just before noon. And this is how, after the “slip” on Thursday, the Council of Ministers of 1 May was secured. But it wasn’t a painless transition. For this vote, Montecitorio went into turmoil. And the incident was a warning to the majority: yesterday, to guarantee the result, the many absentees from the previous day’s vote were called to order.

And Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni took up her own: “An oversight, but it mustn’t happen again.” The prime minister has no intention “of replacing the parliamentarians who have a dual role (also as undersecretary, ed), but we need to talk to the group leaders and ensure that we can do double duty». «You learn from mistakesI hope similar situations will not recur in the future», is the comment of the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti.

Chaos in Montecitorio exploded during Tommaso Foti’s speech. The group leader of Fratelli d’Italia began by asking “apologies to the Italians and to the Prime Minister for what happened”, but the conciliatory tone lasted the time for apologies. In a crescendo of tones, Foti has come to a clash with the Democratic Party, with Debora Serracchiani in particular, due to the request for the resignation of the Undersecretary of Justice Delmastro. The Democratic Party at that point it was going to leave the classroom while a chorus arose from the group of Brothers of Italy «out out», towards the dem who were leaving the hemicycle. President Lorenzo Fontana did not have time to ask to stop that Nico Stumpo, Pd, had already approached the Brothers of Italy benches with a belligerent air. The suspension of the session is inevitable. Who had already stopped an hour earlier due to illness of the deputy of Avs Angelo Bonelli.

Also the leader of the League Richard Molinari he apologized (“We take our responsibilities”). And as well Maurizio Lupi (We moderates). For Forza Italia he was the group leader Paolo Barelli to guarantee in public that nothing like this would ever happen again, while in the assembly, behind closed doors, the blue members of parliament had had to hold a discussion with Alexander Cattaneo, the former blue team leader. Cattaneo, they say, would not have been light on Thursday’s non-attendance, pointing his finger right at Barelli, who was absent. A heated discussion on which the blue coordinator and foreign minister had to intervene Antonio Tajanitrying to throw water on the fire.

In the end, the Def passed the House with 221 votes (201 were enough), and in the Senate the majority filled up (112 yes), only three were absent, one of these Silvio Berlusconi, still hospitalized. So no jolt at Palazzo Madama. However, these are the words of the group leader dem Francesco Boccia: «The non-approval of the Def, indeed its rejection, is unprecedented in recent parliamentary history. It can’t pass as a procedural flaw.”

April 28, 2023 (change April 28, 2023 | 22:28)


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