Deda Next digitizes the financial management of the Metropolitan City of Milan

Deda Next digitizes the financial management of the Metropolitan City of Milan


The group Deda Next has been entrusted with the digitization of the financial management of the Metropolitan City of Milan, continuing with the digitization of the area. The goal is above all to have an effective tool to monitor the trend of Pnrr spending.

After having already carried out this type of activity for other Municipalities (Nuoro, Cuneo, Syracuse, Montepulciano), Deda Next also launches for the Milan area, made up of 133 public administrationsthis path of financial innovation, to control the resources available, report to the Ministry of Economy and Finance on the state of the art of projects linked to the Pnrr and plan policies on the territory.

The migration of financial data, which involved approx 490,000 accounting documents, took place in just 5 days, thus limiting the blocking of activities to a minimum. At the same time, an ad hoc environment was implemented to streamline, speed up and automate transactions via pagoPA which, due to the new provisions that require a separate payment of Tari and Tefa, must be managed directly by the Metropolitan City of Milan. In three months, 500,000 transactions were managed, relating to the area of ​​the Municipality of Milan alone, and it is estimated that they could become around 3 million with the progressive integration of payments from other municipalities in the province.

A fundamental part for the development and success of the project is training, in a process that involved 800 users of the Organization (from the administration office to welfare, up to the digitization and support department for municipalities). Fabio Meloni, CEO of Deda Next, comments: «We repeat it every time: digital is pervasive in every business process, and this project demonstrates it with great force. In fact, not only the offices that deal with accounting and finance benefit from the advantages of the solution, but everyone, thanks to the introduction of new innovative and transversal working methods for the various functions. This process of evolution and innovation is taking place thanks to a virtuous public-private partnership created with the Metropolitan City of Milan which has wisely invested in a cloud solution that improves internal processes».


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