Death Rebellin, arrested the truck driver who hit him

Death Rebellin, arrested the truck driver who hit him


Wolfgang Rieke, the driver of the heavy vehicle accused of having hit and killed Davide Rebellin on November 30 while he was aboard his bike in Montebello Vicentino, was arrested. Rebellin, 51, 30 of whom as a cycling professional, was during a training session near the parking lot of the “La Padana” restaurant when he was run over by a truck with a German license plate. A devastating impact near a roundabout.

Thanks to the video surveillance cameras in the area it was possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident, and with the help of the testimonies of those present it was possible to identify the person responsible. The truck driver was arrested for vehicular homicide and hit and miss. Wolfgang Rieke was stopped by German police officers who gave a European arrest warrant issued by the judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Vicenza.


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