«Cutro decree, clear signal to human traffickers. The League to the EU? A reflection has begun»- Corriere.it

«Cutro decree, clear signal to human traffickers.  The League to the EU?  A reflection has begun»- Corriere.it


«It was right to give a clear signal to human traffickers. And also to those who think of entering illegally: now it’s really not worth it”. Riccardo Molinari is satisfied: the conversion into law of the so-called Cutro decree is also “a great success for the League”.
Why are the “Salvini decrees” back?

“Certain. We promised it during the electoral campaign and we kept it. The return of the safety decrees means that those who transport people today risk up to thirty years in prison and it is a strong signal against the hospitality business, which is different from hospitality”.
Aren’t you afraid that the President of the Republic might make some remarks?

“I do not believe. Bear in mind that the content of the decrees had already been law since 2019. President Mattarella had already made some observations which had been taken into account at the time. And the points criticized are not even today ».
The oppositions speak of a propaganda decree that does not curb the landings.

«The arrivals continue because the rules were no longer in force, abolished by Minister Lamorgese. I repeat: the point is to send the message that arriving in Italy outside the legitimate channels is not convenient, also because the discretion with which special protections were granted has been restricted. While it will be much better to seek the legal path for those who leave from those countries that will collaborate with Italy”.
Let’s talk about the Labor decree approved on May 1st. Here too, the oppositions speak of precariousness also due to the doubling of the terms of fixed-term contracts. Are they wrong?

«In reality there is no doubling of the times, they are the same as for the Dignity decree, which the Pd contested harshly in the name of the Jobs act. Reasons are now not abolished as they were with the Jobs Act, but left to collective or individual bargaining. But the best of the criticisms, however, concerns the fiscal aspect…».

«When the Democratic Party cut the tax wedge by 2%, it spoke of one of the greatest redistribution actions of all time, the largest. What should we say with the 7% cut?».
For Renzi, his redistribution was greater.

«It’s a pity that the resources were spread over everyone. We focus them on the weakest. It is the principle that we had already seen in the Budget law: we aim to help above all the weakest groups. The next point is to extend the no-tax area and the incremental flat tax. But even with the Citizenship Income, we are finally making a common sense operation ».
The League has opened the discussion on its next strategies in Europe. Will a new group be born?

“The newspapers say this. We have begun to think about what the role of the League should be. In Italy we govern Municipalities and Regions, and we are in government with crucial ministries. In Europe, the current location allows us to have less impact. Even for some fellow travelers that make the group less… drinkable. The party has decided to “get its hands dirty” by supporting the Draghi government, so I think it is better that on topics such as internal combustion engines it is better to say “we have solved” than to complain about bad Europe. I’m for a league that accepts challenges.”

May 3, 2023 (change May 3, 2023 | 21:48)


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