Crisanti paradigm. The loneliness of a man who has turned into a variant

Crisanti paradigm.  The loneliness of a man who has turned into a variant


He said that the Bergamo investigation proved to him that “the price of integrity is solitude”. And so he is not at all surprised if Andrea Crisanti remains the impression of a single man, willing to do almost anything to bring all his intuitions about him to the extreme. To claim your merits. First in the fight against the virus. Then to make the leap into politics. Now also to re-establish a historical truth about these three years of pandemic: vast programmes of his new guise as a scientist-politician-media expert-catch-all, in which he plays several parts in comedy at the same time. Even if in this confrontational posture, those who know him tell us, there is much of the character’s ambition. Which seems to have made the ostracism of others a method, almost a paradigm.

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