Credit transfer decree approved in the Chamber

Credit transfer decree approved in the Chamber


The “credit block” decree, the provision concerning Superbonus, building works, invoice discount and transfer of accrued tax credits, has been approved in the Chamber. After the trust of the last few days, today there were 172 yes and 114 votes against, one abstention. After the legislative decree was approved, the Chamber was suspended for a few minutes. The 5-star exponents left the hemicycle with the helmets of construction workers already flaunted in the Chamber and the protests of the majority. “We vote no to protect the entire construction chain. This helmet represents workers, entrepreneurs, technicians who work on construction sites that are closed today, thanks to you”, said the M5S.

Superbonus, all the news on construction works and the transfer of credits. That’s when the invoice discount is still possible

by Antonella Donati

The text will arrive on Wednesday afternoon in the Senate Hall, the Conference of Group Leaders therefore established, which however – it was learned at Palazzo Madama – did not find unanimity on the agenda for the Chamber’s work. The general discussion should begin after the vote on the Assembly’s meeting schedule, scheduled for 2 pm. The signing of the trust will follow, which will be voted either tomorrow evening or Thursday at the latest, Massimiliano Romeo, Lega group leader, explained to reporters.

Superbonus scams: 7 billion hole for banks and companies

by John Pons

Since last February 17, the decree law has effectively blocked the possibility of using the discount on the invoice with the transfer of the credit deriving from the building bonuses instead of the direct deduction of the deduction, registering a series of exceptions after the passage to the finance commission and extensions to the sudden stop of the benefit. Eases that concern, above all, the securing of credits acquired before 17 February last and cases of concerning disadvantaged areas and social categories. Among the approved changes, substantially shared between the majority and the opposition, the expected extension to 30 September 2023 of the 110% superbonus for expenses incurred for single-family housing units stands out (villas) with a progress of the works equal to 30% as of September last year, and the release of the credits accrued in 2022 at risk of forfeiture due to the impossibility of sending the related communications to the revenue agency by the end of March. In this case it will be possible to carry out the communication even in the absence of the conclusion of the relative transfer agreement with the bank. According to what was clarified by a ‘legal press release’ from the Ministry of the Economy, the ‘performing remission‘ will make it possible to regularize one’s position by 30 November with the payment of a fine of 250 euros.

Superbonus for roof insulation at the expense of a single condominium, who should the invoices be addressed to?

by Antonella Donati

The chapter remains open for disposing of problem loans, around twenty billion left in the stomachs of companies that have applied the discount on the invoice without then finding buyers for the packages. “As rapporteur of the measure, after almost two months of intense work and constructive and dialectical confrontation with the oppositions, in these hours I have found the first important openings by the banking world to the circulation of tax credits. In short, a work of team up with the Finance Commission of the Chamber in the mere interest of all Italian citizens”, said Andrea de Bertoldi, deputy of the Brothers of Italy and rapporteur of the decree law, assuring: “I undertake to work starting from the next few weeks , in harmony with the productive world, to a new measure on the building sector and sustainability, which is finally fair and effective for the development and growth of our country”. In fact, in recent times some major banks have resumed purchasing credits, while the market scheme remains to be perfected, which envisages the establishment of a platform-vehicle to smooth the transition between companies that have the packages and companies interested in buying them to discount them year after year on the basis of its tax balance, the pivot of which could be a company like Enel X which has given its willingness to promote it.

Superbonus, the news for condominiums: all deadlines and updated percentages. That’s who can save 110%

by Antonella Donati


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