Costa Smeralda hotels, award to employees for the 2022 season

Costa Smeralda hotels, award to employees for the 2022 season


Expectations for the 2022 tourist season have been exceeded and the hotels on the Costa Smeralda reward their employees. For each of the 800 workers, a prize of around 700 euros. This is the decision taken by Sardegna Resorts srl, the company that owns the Cala di Volpe, Cervo, Romazzino and Pitrizza hotels on the Costa Smeralda with Qatar Holding and Smeralda Holding and manages them with Marriott. After the Covid emergency, the group recorded “an important recovery of the pre-Covid parameters” so as to allow the bonus to be paid to the workers and rewarded the workers.

The numbers speak volumes

The 2022 season was characterized by a positive trend compared to 2021 with a turnover of more than 34,365 million. Thanks to the good weather and the season, considered one of the longest in recent decades, the positive trend saw good results also in September and October, linked by the postponement of overnight stays compared to the central months of the season. «Based on the first reports by Sardegna Resorts, for the 5-star and luxury structures of the Costa Smeralda, 2022 closed in an optimal way with an increase of 18 percent compared to the pre-covid 2019 year – comment Danilo Deiana secretary of Filcams Cgil and Manolo Lai secretary of Fisascat Cisl -. So we can record a real record year ». Growth also as regards the employment of employees. “In this case there is a positive increase with a total wage bill for the four hotels of 24 million euros – continue the two trade unionists -, with an increase of 8 million euros compared to 2021 and 6 million compared to 2019”.

The prize

As for the performance bonus for employees, it was calculated taking into account “the percentage growth of the consolidated gross operating margin as the company’s overall result compared to the previous year’s figure”. And then taking into account the impact of labor costs on total revenues per single production unit compared to the 2021 consolidated result. «These indicators, all positive results – they continue -, produced a production bonus equal to 620.16 euros per parameter 100; €651.17 for parameter 105; 713.18 euros for parameter 115″. The bonus will be paid to employees in service for the 2023 season.

The prospects

On the horizon there is now the new station for which there are strong expectations. «We foresee a better 2023 season than the past one thanks also to the important return of the American market – they conclude -. Various events aimed at seasonal adjustment are planned, particularly in the month of May and with congress tourism in the month of October. The lack of territorial continuity and therefore the lack and lack of connections that strongly limit the sector with respect to its real potential weighs on the seasonal adjustment».


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