Corruption in the European Parliament, Majorino (Pd): “A fact that also concerns us, we cannot turn a blind eye and exhibit a lost moral diversity”

Corruption in the European Parliament, Majorino (Pd): "A fact that also concerns us, we cannot turn a blind eye and exhibit a lost moral diversity"


The so-called Qatargate “let’s say it’s something that concerns us too and we can’t turn a blind eye: it’s useless to exhibit a sort of long-lost moral diversity”. Thus the candidate of the center-left in Lombardy, the MEP Pd Pierfrancesco Majorinoa guest of Radio24 this morning comments on the ongoing investigation which fully involves members of the left of the European Parliament such as Antonio Panzeriwho among other things had built his career in the Chamber of Labor in Milan before moving to Brussels.

“I am baffled by what is emerging, very serious things – he added – and I hope that the judiciary will go ahead without looking into anyone’s face”. “We need to rebuild the truth and the chain of responsibilities – she underlined – with respect to this attempt of infiltration and interference by Qatar”.

On this point, “that of legality and morality – concluded Majorino – I believe that great action is needed also in the future to check candidates and so on”.


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