Copasir, La Russa to the Democratic Party after the request for a rebalancing: “I will verify Borghi’s intentions”

Copasir, La Russa to the Democratic Party after the request for a rebalancing: "I will verify Borghi's intentions"


“As you know, practice does not allow adjustments to the composition of Copasir to internal changes in parliamentary groups”.

The president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa writes it in a letter of reply to the Democratic Party – addressed to the president of the dem group Francesco Boccia – on the issue of Copasir. “As far as I’m concerned, I can still announce – he adds – my personal willingness to verify the intentions of the senator in question,” he says referring to Enrico Borghi, who moved from the Pd group to that of Azione-Italia Viva.

Rewinding the tape, the Dems clamored for a rebalancing of Copasir after Enrico Borghi’s change of tunic, from Pd to Italia Viva. The group leader of Schlein’s party at Palazzo Madama, Francesco Boccia, wrote to the president Ignazio La Russa to ask to restore “a situation of correctness in the representation of parliamentary groups” within the parliamentary body highlighting, among other things, the absence of Dem senators after Borghi’s choice. At present, in fact, the Democratic Party has only the president, Lorenzo Guerini. Two components of Iv: Ettore Rosato and, indeed, Borghi. There are two members of M5s: Roberto Scarpinato and Marco Pellegrini, two of Fratelli d’Italia (who has yet to indicate the replacement for Senator Andrea Augello): Giovanni Donzelli and Angelo Rossi; there is Licia Ronzulli of FI and Claudio Borghi of the League. The law establishing the committee provides that it is made up of 10 members appointed by the presidents of the chambers “in proportion to the number of members of the parliamentary groups, while guaranteeing equal representation of the majority and the opposition and taking into account the specificity of the Committee’s tasks”. At this moment, therefore, for the Democratic Party, “there is a serious vulnerability to the guarantee of representation”.

Italia Viva defends itself and defends Borghi to the sound of precedents. «The Democratic Party – attacks the president of the group of senators of Action-Italia Viva Raffaella Paita – applies a double standard. Just look at the last two legislatures to discover that there have been several examples of senators and deputies who have not resigned from Copasir after changing parliamentary groups. In the last legislature, the 5 Star Movement, which started with 3 members on the Committee, ended up with only one». Paita also cites “the school case of Massimo D’Alema who remained president of Copasir despite having changed his status from opposition parliamentarian to majority parliamentarian when he supported the Monti government in 2011″. Now to understand if and what moves he intends to take as presidency of the Senate, even simply at the level of moral suasion. A possible way out, but not one of short application given that it would be necessary to change the law, is indicated by the group leader of the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra in the Chamber, Luana Zanella. In fact, the deputy is the first signatory to a bill that increases the number of members of the safety committee. «It is necessary she – she underlines her in a note – to increase them from ten to twelve. The current configuration is not sufficient, in fact, to guarantee a fair representation of the groups in a Parliament which is not made up of two poles, just as it does not allow for a rebalancing in cases of the passage of a member from one group to another”.


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