COP27 starts from an assumption: so far we have failed on everything

COP27 starts from an assumption: so far we have failed on everything


Emissions will be analyzed globally, in order to realize that countries outside the development area will continue to increase their own, but that the real culprits are the richer nations that produce more pollution per capita.

Yet another meeting, we have arrived at COP27, this time in Egypt, will have to acknowledge a failure. Not only with respect to the objectives, the various reduction targets that had been set, but also with respect to the real trend of total emissions that continue to grow in the world. This is the only data that interests, the rest are chatter and distinctive. The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that only makes sense to analyze globally. It matters little, to understand, if a country reduces its emissions if then another increases them to a greater extent. What matters for its effects on the climate is the world total. Which is constantly increasing and in 2021 we made the historical record. To give an idea of ​​the quantities involved, suffice it to say that from 1990 to today a greater quantity has been released into the atmosphere than in all previous centuries. But it is worthwhile to understand more fully why the failures. Which is impossible to do if you look at the world from the keyhole of Europe or even worse of Italy.

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