Conte and the doubts about surrogacy. Thus the M5s dissociates itself from the Democratic Party and looks to the Church

Conte and the doubts about surrogacy.  Thus the M5s dissociates itself from the Democratic Party and looks to the Church


It’s not just for the holy card of Padre Pio that he keeps in his wallet. He flaunted it at Bruno Vespa’s and still carries it with him (last month in the bar of the Mancinelli theater in Orvieto, after the Grillo show, when it was time to pay for the aperitif, the little image popped up, but the bartender only accepted cash… ). The Catholic Giuseppe Conte in this phase is more active than ever. Even in absences, as evidenced by the lump sum of the former prime minister at Saturday’s demonstration on rights. To which the former Mayor of Turin Chiara Appendino and Senator Alessandra Maiorino were sent to face the champion of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein. He didn’t show up. Of course, he is in favor of registering couples with homoparental children, but he has more than one doubt about surrogacy. The Luiss students also asked him yesterday: president, what do you think? “No, look, you embarrass me: let’s avoid”.

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