Conte and his twists and turns: from the amnesty of Ischia to vaccines

Conte and his twists and turns: from the amnesty of Ischia to vaccines


It is neither the first nor the only one, but it is now quite evident how Joseph Conte don’t be afraid to prove yourself wrong. Not only on Ischia, where his words on the amnesty decided by his government with Matthew Salvini – only “a simplification procedure” – are put to the test by scrolling through the regulation itself. There are many dossiers on which the former Prime Minister has changed his opinion, often without batting an eye, sometimes even after a short time. Tax amnesty, security and NGO decrees, foreign policy and arms shipments to Ukraine, the wide field with the Democratic Party or the 5-star ceiling for two terms. Up to mandatory vaccines for 50 year olds. A tactical fluidity supported with proverbial oratory and unquestionable timing.

The following are just a few examples of the movement’s leader’s twists and turns.

Tax amnesty

Last November 17, a guest in Piazzapulita on La7, Conte stelle criticizes the so-called “fiscal truce” announced by the new premier Giorgia Meloni. “Dodge evaders and corrupt people, don’t worry. Between the tax amnesty and the raising of the cash threshold, you will enjoy it”, he insists, however, omitting that at the time, as prime minister of the yellow-green government, he had approved (October 15, 2018) a tax amnesty to try to recover a part of the resources not collected by the tax authorities from non-compliant taxpayers. With consequent cancellation of debts for tax bills up to one thousand euros relating to the period 2000-2010. Some of the 5 stars did not like this very much, and it was justified by citing excessive collection costs, practically the same words used in recent days by the deputy minister of the MEF, Maurizio Leo.

Security decrees

Three years after the approval of the regulations that marked the yellow-green government’s security policy, comes the attack on his former interior minister. “The security decrees have put tens of thousands of migrants on the streets scattered throughout the suburbs and countryside. The elimination of humanitarian protection has prevented many migrants from entering the reception system and others from letting them out as they are no longer entitled, with the result is that thousands of migrants have become invisible. In short, Salvini as Minister of the Interior has failed on repatriation and immigration. It is a fact”. (August 30, 2021)

It is the first time that Conte has criticized the security decrees so head-on. In October 2020, on the occasion of the CDM reviewing them, he reiterated that he “hadn’t changed his mind”. “I don’t care about the slogans open ports or closed ports, – he added – but the objective of safety and protection, of Italian citizens but also of migrants, to whom we must recognize the fundamental rights. When we were born with this Government one of the programmatic points was the revision of the security decrees, also in the light of the indications of President Mattarella. In addition, having to return to this point, we took the opportunity to intervene. When a measure is adopted – he concluded – there is a phase of experimentation and in the implementation phase, the need to make further interventions can be found”.

A need that seemed not to emerge at first. “It is a system that in no way undermines the framework of international commitments and the protection of fundamental rights”, illustrating the provisions just approved by the Council of Ministers. (September 24, 2018)

Arms to Ukraine

For months, President Conte’s position against sending new weapons to Ukraine has been clear: “The M5 opposes the sending of military aid and also opposes counter-offensives” (April 30, 2022). Sending arms would only bring new violence, therefore “overwhelm and revanchism” (Foreign Press Association in Rome, 13 May 2022). “Ukraine has been sufficiently supported, also in terms of military aid. Italy did what it had to do. There are other countries, such as the United States and Great Britain, which are continuing to supply the Ukraine. We, like Italy, must focus on the ability to dialogue” (June 7, 2022).

Then in late summer, the Kiev counter-offensive. The reconquest of the territories of Donbass, rescued from Russian occupation, Conte tries to make his own the Ukrainian recovery: “From the beginning we were aware that one cannot defend oneself with bare hands against such an aggression. This is why we agreed to the ‘intensification of the level of sanctions and also to the sending of military aid’. (September 12, 2022)

In reality, two days earlier, the same had said in a video on social media: “More billions for military spending while families and businesses can’t make it? The answer is no”.

Yes to the wide field with the Pd, indeed no

“In politics, thinking of governing alone, even if I hope so, is unlikely. There may be a prospect of working tomorrow with other political forces such as the Democratic Party”. Textual, live on TV from the Rai studios for half an hour longer, on the sunny Sunday of last August, during the electoral campaign. Words that even cause a “good luck” from the minister Roberto Speranza, the next guest.

It doesn’t go long after the TV intervention that the former prime minister tweets his second thoughts: “I’m sorry to disappoint some headlines, some newspapers, but I think my thoughts have been forced and misrepresented. In the current conditions with the national leaders of the Democratic Party struck by the Draghi agenda we could not even sit at the table”. (August 22, 2022)

Two-term rule

“The rule of two mandates is fundamental, the spokesmen who have run for candidates in the past made this solemn commitment with the citizens”. It is August 2, 2022, Conte on the microphones of Radio Anch’io, Radio Raiuno, bars the door to many big names in the Movement, accepting the line of the founder Beppe Grillo. Only six days earlier in an interview with Corriere he had declared that the ceiling of two mandates “is not a diktat, but the spirit of the rule will in any case be safeguarded”.

Mandatory vaccines

Contrary to mandatory vaccines for the over 50s, an action promoted by Mario Draghi, which however had not been judged negatively by the dpcm champion.

“To allow the campaign to be implemented as widely as possible, we must push for it to be mandatory in all those situations in which there are gatherings, in the future also in the workplace”. (September 3, 2021)

“I am responsible for starting the vaccination campaign and I thought it appropriate to offer it to the spontaneity of citizens” reaching “88% of vaccinated people. Last January this government introduced the vaccination obligation for over-50s, I called Draghi saying: you are wrong, we risk breaking a social pact. They didn’t listen to me”. (September 22, 2022)


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