Competition and tax justice: the two dossiers on which the government risks the billions of the Pnrr

Competition and tax justice: the two dossiers on which the government risks the billions of the Pnrr


Trentino claims its autonomy on hydroelectric concessions, Calderoli lingers too much, now there is a risk of messing up with the Constitutional Court. Then there is the reform desired by Franco and Cartabia, which Fitto is preparing to dismantle. The Commission monitors, and does not appreciate. The December installment of the Recovery depends on the Brussels check: it is worth 1 point of GDP

You can change. Perhaps, in some ways, it is even dutiful, if it is true that the challenges that the Next Generation EU imposes depend on elusive variables. Except that, in a country where the shortest line between two points is an arabesque, in the eagerness to change, one sometimes ends up messing up what has already been done. And it is the risk that the government faces, as far as the Pnrr is concerned, on at least two points. On the one hand there is the competition, on the other the tax justice. Two reforms officially already achieved, and on which, however, the European Commission has raised more than one objection in seeing how those results are called into question by recent Italian choices. And since a large part of the 20 billion related to the installment for the second half of 2022 depends on this verification, it would be good not to play with fire.

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