Commissioner Elly Schlein in Campania and the usual reassuring Pd

Commissioner Elly Schlein in Campania and the usual reassuring Pd


As soon as a new secretary arrives, do one of the following. Always the same: either he wants to change the name of the party, or he announces a change of headquarters, or he declares war on the orrents and distributes commissioners. This time it’s Misiani’s turn in Naples

She, indeed Elly, has the party commissioner in Campania. The Democratic Party has this good thing: that it never causes us to jump by surprise. In fact, as soon as someone is elected secretary, he does one of the following things: either he wants to change the name of the party, or he announces a change of headquarters, or he declares war on the currents and distributes commissioners throughout southern Italy like parsley leaves on boiled fish. One of three. And sometimes even all of these three together.

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