Comics become an art of government

Comics become an art of government


Meloni as Minnie, Santanchè as Eva Kant, the president of the Senate Dylan Dog, the defense minister manga. How fantasies and clouds have become an expression of political current affairs

A president petite who complains about heels in a press conference, because they hurt her feet, and then rushes in and out of a photo-op with the so-called greats of the Earth, is a Disney comic. Minnie. A Minister of Tourism who defends himself in Parliament peremptorily calling into question those who have booked a bed in his bathing establishment is a comic strip by Angela and Luciana Giussani. Eva Kant, master of masking. A president of the senate who “interrogates” his son about a serious nocturnal criminal circumstance is a horror comic, let alone a manga, but at least a Dylan Dog Nightmare Investigator. A Ministry of Defense gigantic who puts his size and Christian Democrat wisdom at the service of liberal fascism, while weapons crackle around him and parades sparkle, is a cartoon. A dark fantasy Titan Written by Hajime Isayama. Even those unfamiliar with the expressive codes of comics know that the illustrated story with its clouds of words that are even too simple, such as those of a Delmastro Delle Vedove or a Donzelli, also a lot of comic book condominiums, do not want to be considered a literature minor: the journals or albums, the historietas or comic books, are for many a decisive part of the cultural universe of the twentieth century, and before and beyond the end of the century they have a long history, they are a modernist and contemporaneist triumph of semiology. There is therefore no trivial mockery of the institutions in the cartoonish consideration of our current political situation.

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