Citizenship income, off-site work, “fair offer” and compulsory schooling: what’s true?

Citizenship income, off-site work, "fair offer" and compulsory schooling: what's true?


New squeeze on basic income

If you receive a job offer, whatever it is, you either accept it or lose your check. In the latest version of the manoeuvre, new limits are placed on the basic income. The check will be disbursed for 7 months and not for 8 as established in the original bill and also skips the reference to the so-called “fair offer”, with an amendment signed by Maurizio Lupi di Noi with Italy. In addition, compulsory education is triggered for young people between 18 and 29 years of age. Let’s see what the new criteria are.

Read also:
– Maneuver, today we vote in the Chamber. Citizenship income will be lost after a rejected job


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