Citizenship income, based on the requirements who will lose it next year in September?

Citizenship income, based on the requirements who will lose it next year in September?


But will it really be so easy to cancel the basic income, one of the measures which, according to INPS, has allowed Italy to save the presence of at least “a million poor people”? The Meloni government goes straight. The Prime Minister herself, yesterday, underlined that “work takes you everywhere, the basic income keeps you where you are, there is no escape”. But many are asking for a reflection on the elimination of the measure, starting with Bank of Italy, Istat and Cnel.
The president of Istat, Gian Carlo Blangiardo, in a hearing before the joint budget commissions of the Chamber and the Senate on the budget law today, drew up an identikit of who gets and who will lose the income.
According to estimates, around 846,000 individuals are subject to a reduction in the duration of the benefit, i.e. just over one in five beneficiaries: “however, their incidence is over a third if we consider only the beneficiaries between the ages of 18 and 59 years”. This is what is contained in the report illustrated by Blangiardo. who adds: “As expected – he added – the reduction of the duration would mainly involve small households (in particular it involves more than half of single individuals) and the male component, and would invest almost half of the beneficiaries aged between 45 and 59 years old. The subpopulation subject to reduction of duration also includes a third of NEETs between 18 and 29 years of age beneficiaries of the RdC and is characterized by slightly higher levels of education than the remaining group of beneficiaries belonging to the same age group», he concluded.
In a hearing before the joint House and Senate budget committees on the budget law, the head of the economic structure service of the Bank of Italy’s Department of Economics and Statistics Fabrizio Balassone added that “the introduction of the citizen’s income represented a significant step in the modernization of the welfare of our country» and according to the INPS without income in 2020 there would have been «one million more poor individuals». The current set-up, however, has critical issues especially as a measure to accompany work, and the “reform announced by the government could strengthen” this aspect.


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