Ciani, the man alien to the dem who comes from Sant’Egidio. Fear in the Democratic Party: are we becoming a movement? –

Ciani, the man alien to the dem who comes from Sant'Egidio.  Fear in the Democratic Party: are we becoming a movement? -


Of Fabrizio Roncone

Hypothesis of a strategy for the choice of the deputy group leader. There are those who argue that the decision is targeted: She needed exactly one like this

uanother bad day of downcast glances and anxieties, doubts, suspicions, tremendous suspicions for those thick ranks of the Democratic Party already for weeks forced to amazement and regret, to punishment, because there by now almost everyone is no longer ranked, no longer ranked, but forced to follow the often indecipherable compass of the new secretary.

They read newspapers and websites, they traveled on social networks, they confronted each other in carbonara meetings and sending each other alarmed whatsapp: the clear feeling, now, that the clamorous and informal appointment of Paolo Ciani as president of the group leaves a very deep scar and insinuates an agonizing fear. With this question inside: In Montecitorio, Wednesday, will we not have witnessed the first concrete act with which Elly intends to transform the party into a movement?.

The truth that everyone has better focused who and who isn’t, who believes this fellow Roman deputy of theirs to be 53 years old, a wife and two children, manners of rare kindness and mild air, even if in reality a tough man, a man held upright by that special ethical and moral iron wire possessed by those who, like him, come from the experience of the legendary Community of Sant’Egidio, between hospitality and solidarity, always on the side of the most fragile and the least, who are the cornerstones of the political program of Democracy solidarity, i.e. Demos, the party of which he has been secretary for a year and which, in the last elections, was on a list connected with the Democratic Party. Which, as he explained with graceful sincerity, he has no intention of signing up for. Zero, nothing, nada: he really doesn’t think about it, although he now sits in one of the places, the presidential office, which remains truly sacred for any party, assuming that there may still be something sacred in today’s politics.

But that’s not enough: Ciani, in fact, immediately showed off of all his pacifism, explaining that he is against military aid to Ukraine and putting the official line of the Democratic Party in the food processor (people like Guerini, Fassino, Picerno, kept standing with salts).

The trouble, they tell you, is that Elly knows who Ciani is. She needed exactly such a character. Because – here’s the thing – having undermined a certain liturgy, having dared to make a non-member become group leader, is in fact a clear message sent to that lake full of Catholic and secular acronyms, between volunteering and environmentalism, LGBT militancy and feminism , where Elly, obviously, thinks she’s fishing for votes. Even if, now, we risk losing Campania and, perhaps, even Puglia.

So we come to the other big theme of the latest, troubled hours dem: as you probably know, this Ciani takes over from Piero De Luca, son of Enzo, the picturesque and powerful president of Campania, who plays the role as if he were a Grand Duke and who experienced the scion’s downgrading as the last, definitive personal affront.

With Elly, he literally hates himself. Nothing armochromatic: De Luca is very capable of getting along, of pleasing anyone, if it suits him. Only it doesn’t suit him with Elly. Even before winning the primaries, she let him know that she considered him the symbolic cacique, the sultan to be sent home. The former sheriff of Salerno, who is in his second term as governor, can forget the third. To be clearer, Elly has also already sent him two commissioners (Antonio Misiani for the region, Susanna Camusso for the city of Caserta only). Having taken his son Piero by the ear, the definitive hostile act.

Ex bosses and ex bosses dem consider legitimate that the secretary replaces a group leader she does not like. They are perplexed if they imagine their father’s reaction. Will the Grand Duke, who has already announced his intention to present himself, bring his votes to Matteo Renzi or, directly, to the centre-right?

The matter concerns, by extension, Michele Emiliano. Which also aspires to a third round at the helm of Puglia. If exceptions are not made to De Luca, there won’t be any for him either. Thorny doubt: Emiliano willing to leave – good good – in retirement?

Some problem, perhaps, there. If by chance you meet Elly, warn her.

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June 8, 2023 (change June 8, 2023 | 22:25)


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