Chiesa and Colle press Meloni on welcoming migrants. But there is Salvini

Chiesa and Colle press Meloni on welcoming migrants.  But there is Salvini


Extraordinary cdm Thursday in Cutro: more severe penalties for traffickers, but beware of who arrives, after the words of the Pope and Mattarella. The League is holding back, today is Piantedosi day

“Sorry for the delay.” Giorgia Meloni will be in Cutro on Thursday for a Council of Ministers which promises to be “dense” with “multilevel” measures on immigration. The prime minister also has a symbolic gesture in mind. Maybe on the beach of death where seventy people lost their lives. The watchwords of the decrees that will be passed are two: construction and contrast. The first refers to the area of ​​reception with new ad hoc allocations, humanitarian corridors, bilateral agreements with the countries of origin of those fleeing in search of a better future. Not even a new flow decree is ruled out, after the one by 86 thousand people last December. The second part, that of contrast, revolves around repatriations and traffickers (now recognized as different actors than smugglers, often fleeing migrants themselves). The cultural dimension is the one that takes its cue from the Pope’s words, they assure Palazzo Chigi. Meloni therefore seems to deviate from Matteo Salvini’s line. Too many pressures and inputs arrived in these days: Sunday was Pope Francis’ day, then yesterday it was the turn of the CEI and above all the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

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