Casalino wants to run for the European Championships with the M5s: I deserve it

Casalino wants to run for the European Championships with the M5s: I deserve it


“I’m thinking about it”. For Conte’s overflowing spokesman at the time of Palazzo Chigi, the current life of communication manager in the Senate is no longer enough: thus the last great veteran of the Movement aims at Brussels and Strasbourg. And after giving up the political candidacy, this could be the right time

EuroRocco. It is more than a dream, but a project that Casalino caresses more and more: apply to the next European elections with the M5s in the southern constituency. She talks about it with those she trusts (“I love ‘, I want to try this time”). She jokes about it as only he knows how to do (“it’s a pity that it always rains in Brussels and Strasbourg!”). He sends the word around in the corridors of the Palace knowing, better than many, how circular communication is. In short, in 2024 other than Antonio: Vote for EuroRocco!

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