Carlo Rovelli’s real problem isn’t even his lies, but the people who buy them

Carlo Rovelli's real problem isn't even his lies, but the people who buy them


The problem would not even be Rovelli (Carlo, the mediatized physicist). His slippers, his opinions slippers. The problem is whoever invites him to the Concertone to make jokes that not even Pupo in Moscow would have said. But the people worship him. So much so that they didn’t even realize that a few days earlier Rovelli had spat on the sacred value of the Resistance, worse than La Russa on via Rasella: “I’m not sure that ours was a war of liberation”. Oh no? “Verona was bombed by the British not by the Germans”. Was it better to keep the Nazi-fascists? And even: “It seems to me that we were allies of the Germans for a long time”. So the story, and the official interpretation of the Resistance as an insurrection that redeemed Italy, are false? In the end, the real problem is the pathological drive of the unthinking left to build a new foreign pope every so often.. There was Pancho Pardi, then came Ingroia, and Saviano. Rush into their nothingness one after another. Now the star is Rovelli. But if they have listened to it, do they really share it?

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