cap on the increase of the single check, Imu exemption for occupied houses. The news of the latest draft –

cap on the increase of the single check, Imu exemption for occupied houses.  The news of the latest draft -


Imu exemption for occupied houses

Hence the exemption from the IMU for the owners of occupied buildings who have presented a regular complaint. The exemption – according to article 21 in the latest draft – concerns properties that are not usable or available, for which a complaint has been presented to the judicial authority in relation to the crimes referred to in articles 614, second paragraph, or 633 of the code criminal law or for whose unlawful occupation a complaint has been filed or a penal legal action has been initiated. The taxable person communicates to the municipality concerned, according to electronic procedures to be established with a decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, to be issued within sixty days of the entry into force of this provision, after consultation with the State-city and local Autonomies Conference, the possession of the requirements giving right to exemption. A similar communication must be sent when the right to exemption ceases.

Single check ceiling

As regards the part containing aid for families, the article on the universal single allowance provides that the fifty percent increase is recognized for families with three or more children for each child between the ages of one and three , for ISEE levels up to 40,000 euros. In particular, according to the new draft, as a result of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 and taking into account the results emerging from the monitoring activity relating to the year 2022 and the consequent updates of the trends also in prospective terms, the financial resources in the financial statements pursuant to article 6, paragraph 8, of the legislative decree 29 December 2021, n. 230 increased by 345.2 million euros for the year 2023, 457.9 million euros for the year 2024, 473.1 million euros for the year 2025, 480.3 million euros for the year 2026, 483.3 million euros for the year 2027, 486.3 million euros for the year 2028 and 489.2 million euros annually starting from the year 2029.

Bridge over the Strait

The latest version of the budget law accelerates the bridge over the Strait, with the expected reactivation of the company Ponte Stretto Spa and the possibility for Rfi and Anas to increase their capital up to a total of 50 million for their participation in the company. Among other things, pending disputes have been suspended. In fact, since the entry into force of the law, the pending civil proceedings with the general contractor and the other entities entrusted with the services connected to the construction of the work have been suspended. Within 30 days, the Stretto di Messina Company signs the full waiver of the dispute and complete silence of all rights and claims, reads the text.

Leave for working mothers

Parental leave is extended for working mothers, for a maximum duration of one month up to the child’s sixth year of life, at the rate of 80 per cent of wages. In the new version of the Maneuver the rules for the additional month of paid leave have been defined in article 66. Rule that in the previous draft had only the title parental leave.


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